Become a Member
Want to make Positive Change
in your community and around the world?

What to expect as a Member ...
Did you know there are six Rotary Clubs in the Flathead Valley? Local club members are dedicated people who share a passion for both community service and friendship.
What does it mean to be a member?
Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back with "Service Above Self". Membership gives you an opportunity to discuss the needs of the Flathead Valley, the State of Montana and our global neighbors and discover creative ways to meet them. You'll have many opportunities to hone your leadership, share your skills, catch up with good friends and meet new ones. If you have an interest in global concerns, Rotary offers ways to connect with leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations.
Ready to become a member ?
The Kalispell Noon Club meets every Thursday at noon. At meetings we hear updates from committees, go over upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, have an interesting invited guest speaker and share member news. We think you'll find the meetings engaging and a great resource to learn what is happening in the Flathead Valley.
If you are ready to learn more we recommend that you reach out to a current Rotarian (if you know one) and come to several meetings to get to know what we are all about. If you don't know anyone, just come to a meeting and we'll get you familiarized.
There are three types of Membership - Individual, Family and Corporate. Click on the links below to access applications and membership guides. Completed applications can be emailed to Remember if you don' t have a Rotarian sponsor that's okay ... come to a meeting or reach out to the club and we'll help get you started!